Sunday, April 3, 2011

Conference with little boys. . .

Yesterday and today were General Conference days for my church. (For my non-LDS friends, this is a time when our prophet and other church leaders speak to the church and anyone else who wants to listen. It is broadcast via satellite and over the Internet.) These are days I love but have to plan ahead for. I love hearing the words of my prophet but struggle to hear those words over the noise of my little bedlamites. I prepared by having a bag of "Conference treats" to bribe my kids into being somewhat quiet. I was amazed at how much peace a couple of little bags of M&M's, mini Oreos, and mini Chips Ahoy bought me! The treats were handed out at random intervals to reward those who were playing nicely and not disturbing Mommy. Getting out lots of Legos and craft supplies helped keep all the boys (little and big) appropriately occupied. It was wonderful to hear the words of the Lord today. I like to think we all learned at least a little today and it's always nice to enjoy church in my jeans from the comfort of my couch instead of getting everyone dressed up.

1 comment:

  1. Yes Julie, Conference was wonderful. The house was pretty quiet here - since Bob was out! He did watch a couple talke with me. One on Saturday and one on Sunday. He said he misses President Hinckley! He liked President Uchdorf and Lynn G. Robbins of the Seventy. This is a big step, something I have prayed for, fasted about and prayed some more! His heart is defrosting - not thawed completely, but getting there! :)
