Monday, April 4, 2011

Mmmmmm. . . Krispy Kremes

My oldest finally found his report card (under the couch, of all places) and asked me to take him to Krispy Kreme for some free doughnuts. I grudgingly accepted his request and dragged my wild things to Doughnut Mecca. We got there just when they were starting a new batch and the boys were mesmerized watching the doughnuts ride the doughnut elevator, swim in the doughnut pond, and shower under the frosting waterfall. I was only able to drag them away from watching with the promise of being able to eat doughnuts. I love how my little boys help me slow down sometimes to admire the little wonders in life, like fresh made Krispy Kremes.

1 comment:

  1. Now I want a Krispy Kreme! Don't even know where one is around Downey! :)
