Friday, April 1, 2011

Top 10

People sometimes ask me, "Are you going to keep trying until you get a little girl?' or "Aren't you sad that you only have boys?" I have come up with a variety of snappy rejoinders and today compile them into my top 10 reasons why it is awesome to be the mother of only little boys. 10. When I go clothes shopping, I don't have to steer my children away from clothing choices that are more suitable for a strumpet than my darling child. 9. I get to plan birthday parties with games featuring both close combat and ranged weapons skills. 8. If nature calls while we're outdoors and nowhere close to a bathroom, it's quite convenient to have them go behind a tree. 7. I get to read awesome series of books such as Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Ranger's Apprentice, and Artemis Fowl and share them with my enraptured sons. 6. I don't have to deal with anyone's PMS but my own. 5. I know a great deal about the geography and inhabitants of the Island of Sodor. 4. The people at Sears regret ever offering me membership in their KidVantage club. 3. When one of the younger ones outgrow their clothes, I just grab the box of the next size of clothes out of the basement. 2. Crew cuts= minimal time spent doing hair on a daily basis. and. . . . . 1. I am the undisputed Queen of my castle, with no princess trying to usurp my position.


  1. Yes, but I just cleaned my bathroom again this morning and I may never recover from the trauma.

  2. All points well taken! Right now we have a house full of women and at one is a teen-ager who is either possessed or has severl PMS!
